Fatigued Americans

There are many reasons why many Americans always feel tired. If you regularly feel fatigued, you are not alone. About one-third of healthy teens and adults describe feeling sleepy or fatigued on a fairly regular basis. 

Regular fatigue and tiredness is a common symptom of several serious conditions and diseases. It is important to rule out any health issues with the help of a medical professional. If you know that your tiredness and fatigue is not being caused by problems with your health and wellness, there is a good chance that your tiredness is the result of lifestyle factors.

The following are some of the common reasons that people often feel tired even though they do not have an illness or condition that causes them to feel this way:


What you do and do not eat, and the nutrients you do and do not take in, can have a big impact on your energy levels. Eating too much of less healthy foods and/or not enough nutrient rich foods can make a person feel tired and fatigued.

Carbs can be a quick source of energy and fuel for the body. The body breaks down carbs into sugar and uses it for fuel. Even though carbs can be a great source of energy, not all carbs are the same. Eating too many refined carbs such as those found in sugars and other processed carbs can make people feel tired throughout the day. If you think about it, do you feel tired after you eat? Many people think that this is a normal way to go about their day but if you often feel tired after you eat, this may be because of the kinds of foods you are eating. The quick spike in blood sugar, and subsequent fall, can make a person feel exhausted.

Other reasons your diet may affect your energy levels and make you feel tired include but are not limited to:

– Food sensitivities

– Not eating enough calories of nutrient rich foods

– Inadequate hydration

– Drinking “energy” drinks that have caffeine, sugar, amino acids, high 

  doses of B vitamins and/or herbs

Activity Level

Even though you may feel like resting when you are feeling tired and fatigued, leading a sedentary lifestyle without much physical activity can make a person feel low energy. Getting exercise, even in small amounts, can often boost a person’s energy level. 


Many teens and adults who feel like they are always tired do not realize it but they simply are not getting enough sleep each night. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine says that adults need an average of seven hours of sleep per night. This should be restful and uninterrupted in order to allow the brain to go through all stages of the sleep cycle. Even though some people cannot avoid being awake at night and sleeping during the day because of work, it is better for people to sleep at night when possible.


Chronic stress can take its toll on a person’s energy levels. While it would be almost impossible to go through life without times when you are very stressed out, if there are elements in a person’s life that creates chronic and ongoing high levels of stress, it can lead to fatigue. 

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